Favourite Food

I don't really have a favourite dish of food, but I do have a favourite type of food which is Italian food. I've always had  prefer a dish of lasagne, gnocchi or anything that has pasta in it than a good steak or a barbecue. I know you might think that Italian food is pretty much pasta, well... in some way it is kinda true but you also have many others dishes, for example pizza, risotto, caprese salad, etc.

My favorite restaurant of this type of food it is called Rosso Italiano, which it's located at the boulevard of the mall parque arauco. I pretty much always order the same or something similar, I would start with the caprese salad and probably have as the main dish a shrimp risotto o any type of risotto actually. I don't really eat dessert because every time I eat some dessert I end up really full, but if I have to choose one I'll probably order a Tiramisu.
Of course I really enjoy other dishes as well, like a warm lasagna or a tasty fettuccine with any type of salse.
On the other hand I would love to visit Italy, just imagine a warm plate of pasta with the view of the Italian infrastructure or a restaurant in the Toscane, it would be pretty amazing.
Resultado de imagen para restaurant italia pinterest


  1. I agree that Italian food is wonderful !!, lasagna, pasta and in general all the food is delicious :D

  2. hahahha I also think that italian food tastes deliciuos.

  3. I like so much italian food, my brother sometimes make pasta and is delicious

  4. I'm totally agree with you, Italian food is my weakness specially lasagne and risotto with a good wine, there's nothing better


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