The best holiday I’ve ever had

I’ve always loved the holidays for as long as I can tell, specially Christmas. I believe this holiday has some kind of a vibe from my perspective. I don’t really know how to explain it but what I meant is that pretty much everything has a Christmas mood, from the malls decorations to pretty much each home.

The most memorable Christmas I can remember it was when I was four or five years old. My grandparents have always been really close, so since I can remember I’ve always spent Christmas with the both sides of my family until I was 12, so my childhoods Christmas were always full of family members. But in this Christmas in particular we reunited all the important family members, my uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. We went to my grandmother’s house, we had dinner dinner in the yard in different tables because we were at least 50 people. The kids pretty much always finish their meal before the adults and we weren’t the exception, so we always used to play hide and seek or watch The Grinch after dinner until it was about time to open the presents.

However, the most remarkable thing about that holiday was that this Christmas was the first one of one of my cousins and her dad made us believe he was Santa Claus by making some bells ring, yelling Jo Jo Jo and running around the rooms without lights with a Santa’s costume. We were in shock when we saw him! of course the oldest kids notice he wasn’t really Santa but they kept the secret and helped him set up the presents under the tree while the minors were chasing him.
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